USA love taliban by fly weapon like fly kiss


what's the biggest highlight
they removed the taliban from power to
replace them with the taliban plus the gifted the taliban and air
force a complete fleet and latest weapons. And if you think this is a one-off then think again the world over america has armed terror groups some by design others by default. I'll start with the taliban look at their new air defense capabilities the
first video is from the kandahar airport which i have seen on social media sight. it features two iconic pieces of u.s military hardware the c-208 transport aircraft which costs 2 million dollars each and the md 530f helicopter cost 2.4 million dollars each both are now in the taliban's hands how many do they have well we cannot say here's the second video though this one is from the hirat airport it shows the taliban boarding two mi 17 hip helicopters the lowest price for this aircraft is 16.4 million dollars per unit 16.4 million here's another video again from the kandahar airport it shows the taliban with two american uh 60 blackhawk helicopters cost 5.9 million dollars each next video from the mazari sharif airport it shows the taliban posing in front of another md530f helicopter i'll repeat the cost 2.4 million dollars these are big expensive war machines.
we don't know how many of these are with the taliban now the afghan air force was operating a fleet of at least 167
aircraft all developed and supplied by the united states of america this included 43 md 530 helicopters 33c 208 transport planes 33 uh-60 blackhawks 23 a-29 light attack planes 32 mi 17 helicopters and three c1130 hercules aircraft and these are the official figures released by the u.s special inspector general for afghanistan reconstruction how many of these 167 are with the taliban well there's no official figure some of them were flown out of the country but according to independent
websites most of these aircraft have been geo-located within afghanistan meaning they're still there either with the taliban or some other terrorist group what will they do with this fleet
they don't know how to fly them but they know how to force pilots to fly them a lot of afghan pilots have stayed behind in the country they might be getting job offers they're not allowed
to refuse it's a dangerous situation scary terrorists in control of
state-of-the-art weapons. who is to be blamed for this the country that wages wars to support its arms manufacturers the united states of america now washington says that these
aircraft were meant for afghan forces. Sure they were but did the americans really expect the taliban to rule the country and not touch the american war chest last week 69 us lawmakers wrote to president biden asking him questions like these does he have a plan to ensure the taliban do not get nuclear weapons they haven't got an answer and they should not hold their breath the fact is america routinely arms terror groups. wherever they go whichever country they invade their weapons always end up in the hands of non-state actors
in 2014 the u.s air dropped weapons and supplies in the syrian border town of kobani the weapons were meant for
kurdish fighters they ended up in the hands of the islamic state the is even released a video thanking washington for
the gifts 2019 afghanistan an investigation in fact revealed that arms provided by the u.s to saudi arabia and the uae ended up in the hands of al-qaeda in a variety of terror outfits in afghanistan you can look up the details on how exactly this
happened the same year 2019 there was another revelation this time in yemen where american-made weaponry had fallen
into the hands of rival militia groups what did they do with it
used it against the u.s backed government in yemen the arms even flowed into tehran where u.s weapons were reportedly
studied and copied by iranian intelligence then they were provided to the islamic revolutionary guards corps what for
to target american interests i could go on but you get the point and here's the thing it's true that wars aren't predictable sometimes weapons can end up in the wrong hands but you can't make a habit of it and when you do you are the biggest threat to the world not the terrorists who wield those
weapons the united states is a repeat offender it fails to control guns at home it fails to safeguard its weapons abroad
iraq syria yemen iran american weapons have routinely fallen
into the hands of terror groups and rogue nations and now they have provided the taliban with an air force in afghanistan
guess who poses the biggest threat to the world in the name of bringing democracy.

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