study in uk

the process of choosing the right course and the right place to study. That's
right guys, so keep watching if you're interested in studying English here in 
the United Kingdom so guys if you can come and study English in England so it's one of the best things you can ever do for learning English is to actually come to the country so England is the home of English so it's a great place to come to to learn English of course this is going to hugely help with your speaking and your pronunciation in your home country you might not have that many opportunities to actually speak in English and it might be difficult for you to speak to native speakers so it's going to massively help you with that guys it's also great to learn in a classroom environment you're going to be learning from other students and of course you're going to be learning from your teacher the style of learning English in most schools and colleges in the United Kingdom is very communicative it's very interactive yeah which in many countries it's not that way it's a lot more doing grammar and things like that a lot more exercises but here we really encourage conversation so it's the best way to learn to be able to produce the language and speak fluently in English so it really is an amazing experience and it doesn't matter the age saber and I have taught what ages you've got 60 year-olds literally I've taught from 14 to 16 I think I've taught younger than 14 you can even find junior courses here that's true and of course as well you'll be able to make friends many of the students I have had have continued to stay in contact so they they've got pen friends pen pals that they're able to stay in contact with after they've left the UK to keep improving their English  yeah and of course another amazing benefit is staying with a host family having a host mum a host dad a host brother-sister cats and you will you will definitely pick up a lot of new language looking at slang idioms natural English pronunciation and of course you'll be immersing yourself in the culture yeah and you're going to enjoy a lot of the British food I'm sure beans on toast toad-in-the-hole you're gonna love it guys my my tribe Marmite
so guys if you are interested in coming to study in the UK we can actually 
directly help you to book a course and to come and study here so we're part a language learning network where we can help you to choose the right course in the UK in the right place and we'll actually help you making this experience very tailored and take a lot of the stress out of it for you by doing most things about coming here for you so if you are interested and coming to the UK to learn English then go to WWE LC UK q UK and there you will find lots of information about courses as well as locations whether it's Oxford Cambridge Bournemouth and want to come and study we say Bournemouth because they live here we're a bit biased so you will get lots of information about the different locations that you can study in the UK it's not just London that's available to you and as we said before we can help you understand what kind of accommodation you want to go for so we'll be able to help you as well choose the course of the best suits your needs whether that is IELTS business English academic English or just general English you might just want to come and have some fun so I know a lot of you might be thinking oh it's too expensive I can't afford to go and study in England it's not the case guys there are actually
some very reasonably priced courses so one of the courses we can recommend is 
actually starting from 180 pounds per week which is 420 lessons which is quite cheap quite accessible if you need accommodation then we can also arrange that for you and that is starting from a hundred and fifteen pounds per week so the whole package is actually quite affordable and guys even coming for two weeks to study in the United Kingdom is going to benefit your English hugely so you don't need to think what's the point in coming for two weeks it's still going to be an amazing experience and you're going to learn a lot so don't forget that is two weeks of yes twenty lessons per week but you're also going to be in the UK you are going to be speaking listening communicating with native speakers 24 hours a day seven days a week well cup preparing to the pub a little bit of time sleeping as well so if you're not based in the EU guys and you will need to get a student visa however the process is actually quite simple once you have chosen a course or a college or school and books that with them you will then need to ask them for a confirmation of studies letter and you will then take that to your embassy and from there you can be issued with a student visa so the process should be quite simple obviously depending on which country you are in the world it can be a little bit more complicated but commit in most cases that is almost embassies will need to issue its June visa so we do understand that choosing the right location and course can feel a little bit daunting meaning scary especially when you don't have anyone to give you advice hence why you have us you might be thinking London Edinburgh Manchester Liverpool and these all may
sound very exciting for you but you may have no idea how long to come for where

to go what kind of course and it can be quite daunting as Leila was saying our 
top tips for choosing the right language course for you are take your time there is no major rush do your research to make sure you understand at the type of location that you're going to is there a nice beach is it a student town is it expensive yeah okay because different arts of the UK are more expensive pick another very cold or is it a bit warmer in mind don't expect tropical weather
wherever you go in UK but obviously north to south there is going to be

different weather yeah and also if you go to Ireland which is also a 
possibility so choosing a location that is perhaps close to London but not necessarily in London might be a cheaper and actually quite a nice alternative so Bournemouth where we live is actually very close to London you can go for the day an hour and a half way really on the train yeah very near if you're thinking I want to go to England I want the real English experience I want cups of tea red phone boxes Buckingham Palace seeing the Queen all of that and you're determined to go to London that's fine but just be aware that London is very expensive and London is very big and you may find yourself about an hour away from the center of London but you're still in London also most schools good schools are actually going to offer you excursions that means they will organize everything for you take you to London to Bath to Stonehenge and provide the transport and you can go as a group and it's quite an experience afternoon me so London is not the only city in the UK guys there's form of Brighton this fantastic cities in the north of England for example Manchester Liverpool Edinburgh in Scotland Glasgow so keep your options open and as Lily was saying do your research decide what feels right for you
so Sabre if they do choose Manchester or Liverpool or Burma Glasgow or Birmingham 
yeah what can they expect okay guys so in those cities they the people there will have quite strong accents on the whole so for example if you go to Glasgow you're going to need to expect to hear the Glaswegian accent the Scottish accent which is quite strong however it does have a nice sound as well and it might be that you really want to learn Scottish accent in which case perfect that's a great choice for you it depends really on your level if you're a more advanced learner and your listening is quite good you can choose pretty much anywhere but if you're perhaps more on the elementary level I would maybe suggest going somewhere the accent is a little bit more neutral go towards the south yes we don't have a more neutral accent yeah now another really important thing to consider when choosing your school is to get a school
that has great learning outside the classroom activities that means that
after your classes they will organize activities in groups yeah it should be 
it so it's a great opportunity to practice your English and make friends and of course with lots of other nationalities yeah and it also means you get to experience more of the British culture that's right guys in the College where we work we've often had pancake days who learn how to make pancakes we've had learn how to make bagels we've had trips all over the country they pull they play Pierre they play pool and go for a drink on I think it's Wednesday or Tuesday so if you are a little bit shy and you find it quite difficult to push yourself to kind of interact to socialize with people then this can be a great way to help build your confidence in English and just in general really yeah definitely like anything guys when you're choosing something you can always check the reviews of schools lots of students will write reviews they'll give their feedback on websites I would strongly suggest that you do check the reviews for example you might find out that your school is quite far away from the centre and this may be something that you you don't really like the sound of so do make sure that you read the student reviews and make a decision based on the information there as well now all of the schools which we work with are British Council accredited so the British Council are the learning English regulatory body in the UK and if a school is British Council accredited so they will have come in and done an inspection on the school to make sure that is meeting the highest standards in terms of student education and learning outside the classroom activities and also about the standard that the teachers are producing in the classroom so it's a really really good thing to go to British Council schools so if we have piqued your interest if you think that studying in the UK might be for you and the best way to help you become more fluent and proficient in English do check out this website WWW UK code UK the link is in the description below and you can have a look that have a browse what kind of courses are available to you there you'll be able to contact us for more information about courses and to get some helpful advice for free yeah guys it's free advice and guidance on coming to study here so do drop us an email let us know your thoughts and what you're thinking obviously do bear in mind but this it can be a little costly but as we have said the prices are maybe more accessible than you think so do drop us a line and let us know your thoughts now as a special thank you to love English subscribers you can get a 10 percent discount on your tuition fees in the UK to do that you need to send us a screenshot of a comment you have posted to prove that you are an avid subscriber and viewer of love English 10% discount on your tuition fees that's gonna make it cheaper than anywhere else also guys if there is a group of you so you want to come with your friends or your family then there is a discount for group bookings so put over four people you'll get a 15% discount a big discount aren't your tuition fees so that might be a great option for you guys it might really reduce the price so do let us know about that and a say but just mentioned you can actually come with your family yeah so if you're a parent you may want to or you may not if you're a parent watching and you would like to come to the UK with your children then there are courses available for adults and children that can study in the same school also if you're a child and you want to come and study in the UK ask mom and dad yeah okay guys if you do want to come to the land of T Buckingham Palace between the great outdoors and of course the home of English and Shakespeare and Animus then do drop us a line about that and let us know your thoughts and get some free advice and don't forget if you want to learn more about the British culture or us again then you can follow us on our social media Instagram Facebook and of course Twitter thank you very much for watching guys we'll see you soon on love English or in the UK that's right hi

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